If you are getting ready to tie the knot, then congratulations! As you get ready for your big day, you will spend a lot of time thinking about what you can do to look incredible for your beloved and for all the pictures that will be taken to commemorate this wonderful commitment you are making. A cosmetic dentist in your area can offer some incredible services to help your smile be perfect for the occasion. Read More»
While you might think it looks cool (if you’re a dude) to have a missing tooth, the novelty wears off eventually. Looking like you used to be a pro fighter is not exactly a look that most guys (and no gals) want. So if you have a missing tooth that you’ve been self-conscious about, it’s time to get it fixed. Once it’s fixed, you can go back to smiling.
Why Dental Implant Restoration Is Superior To Bridges Read More»
You probably don’t think that much about the role of your saliva in your health—but it’s actually very important to your dental health, which can affect your overall physical health. Learn more about why saliva is so important, what causes serious problems with saliva production, and what you can do about issues with saliva production.
Why is saliva so important?
Your salivary glands, which are just inside your cheeks at the bottom of your mouth and under your jaw in the front, make two to four pints of saliva every day. Read More»
Having a bright white smile is important for anyone’s appearance. Yet, staining is a problem that many people will find themselves encountering. Unfortunately, some people will find that they are more susceptible to developing tooth stains. If this is the case for you, increasing your knowledge about the various teeth whitening options can be very beneficial.
Is Whitening Toothpaste Effective?
For those that are conscious about the whiteness of their smile, it can be easy to automatically choose whitening toothpaste. Read More»
Many parents have noticed over the years that choosing a pediatrician is much easier than choosing a dentist for their children. While that is often because children see their pediatrician more than frequently they see a dentist, it can also be due to the fact that many kids don’t actually see a dentist who specializes in the unique needs of children. Therefore, if you are planning to take your little one to the family dentist, it is a good idea to be aware of the following benefits associated with allowing him or her to be seen by a pediatric dentist instead. Read More»