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Types Of Dental Exams

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Dental exams can be routine, or a dentist may schedule an exam due to problems that a patient may be experiencing. Here is a bit of information about dental exams to help you better understand them. Routine Dental Exams Routine dental exams are usually scheduled at least twice a year. The procedures are performed as preventive services that help a dentist identify potential problems before they become severe. These exams are often paired with routine dental cleanings, which remove tartar accumulations from the teeth. Read More»

Want A Dental Implant? You'll Likely Have The Following Questions

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Anybody with missing teeth is likely looking for ways that they can fix the problem. While you can fill in those gaps using a dental bridge or partial denture, an implant can be the best way to restore a tooth to how it was before you lost it. Here are some questions you likely have about getting a dental implant. What Makes A Good Candidate For A Dental Implant? A visit to a dentist will tell you if you are a good candidate for receiving a dental implant. Read More»

Your Child's First Dental Visit: Mistakes To Avoid

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As a parent, new activities are always something that you’ll be experiencing with your child. You’ll be engaging in a series of “firsts” for much of their young lives. However, because you’ve grown so used to doing these things yourself, you may underappreciate what an ordeal some activities can be for someone so small. For instance, a dental visit may not be a big deal to you, but a child’s initial visit could color all the visits afterwards. Read More»

Dealing With Dental Anxiety? 4 Tips To Help You Make It Through Your Appointment

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If you suffer from dental anxiety, going to the dentist can be a real struggle. Dental anxiety can cause uncontrollable crying, fear, and even nausea. When you suffer from dental anxiety, you may postpone routine dental care, which can lead to severe problems with your teeth. Once your teeth become infected or decayed, the treatment becomes even more invasive, which can exacerbate the anxiety. That’s why it’s so important that you overcome the anxiety so you can receive the dental care you need to keep your gums and teeth healthy. Read More»

Understanding A Few Conservative Oral Treatments For TMJ

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If you have a case of temporomandibular joint dysfunctions or TMJ, then you should know that there are many different types of conservative treatments that are available to you. And, these types of treatments are explored most often before a surgical operation is considered. Keep reading to learn about a few of your options. Medication Treatment There are a wide variety of medications that are available for use in reducing the discomfort associated with TMJ. Read More»

Is It Bad If You Stop Using Mouthwash?

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Mouthwash is a part of many people’s dental routines, and it takes less than a minute to do. Yet after brushing and flossing, mouthwash may seem like overkill. If you’re currently using mouthwash and wonder if you can stop, the answer is yes, kind of. You won’t create any major problems for yourself by stopping the use of mouthwash, but you may find that your mouth doesn’t feel as good as it used to. Read More»

Choose Dental Implants Over Dentures To Preserve Your Appearance

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If your natural teeth are in a state of bad decay, you are likely looking at options for replacement. The two most common options are the installation of either dentures or dental implants. While dentures are less expensive, dental implants provide a variety of benefits including the preservation of your appearance. Here’s what you need to know. Dental Implants Fuse with Your Jawbone When a dentist removes what’s left of your decaying natural teeth and installs dental implants, each implant is fused directly to your jawbone. Read More»

Things Every Dental Patient Should Know Before Getting Veneers Applied

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Whether you’re dealing with uneven, out-of-place, or discolored teeth, there are ways to address the problem. The first thing you should think about is asking your dentist for veneers. While veneers are a quick, easy cosmetic solution to unsightly dental issues, they also come with some important considerations. Before you reach out to your dentist about having veneers applied, you need to be sure that you fully understand the process and how to take care of them so that you don’t damage them. Read More»

Three Ways That Sensitive Teeth Can Take a Toll on You

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Lots of people suffer from sensitive teeth at different times and for different reasons. You may notice some sensitivity when you eat something cold, such as ice cream, or something hot, such as soup. You may choose to treat the sensitivity with toothpaste for sensitive teeth or to simply ignore the problem, but it’s a better idea to visit your local dentist for an assessment. Your dentist will determine the cause of the sensitive teeth and treat them accordingly. Read More»

2 Mistakes To Avoid When Eating After Your Root Canal

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If you have just had a root canal performed on a bad tooth, you may already have an idea of what to do to help take care of the tooth in the days ahead. However, it is equally important to know what you should not do and avoid making the following mistakes while eating after having a root canal. 1.  Eating Any Hard or Chewy Foods While you may already know that you should not eat something hard on the day of your root canal, you may feel that it will not do any harm to progress your diet after a day or two, thinking that it should not cause you an increase in pain. Read More»