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Motherhood Around The Corner? Don't Ignore Your Dental Health

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Sometimes, finding out about a pregnancy will inspire women to take all sorts of measures to bump up their health. There's more at stake when a new life is growing and it's not unusual for women to stop smoking, eat more veggies, take vitamins, and more closely monitor their general health. If you are now expecting a baby, don't forget about your dental health. Read on and learn more about some common pregnancy issues centering around your mouth and gums.

Maintain Your Good Dental Health

If you have a record of good dental care going into motherhood, there's no reason to abandon it now. You can still show up for your regular dental hygiene appointments and exams. Be sure the staff is aware of your pregnancy, though. That helps both you and your dentist make better decisions about your dental health. Some major issues that involve anesthesia could be postponed, for example, and less-invasive means of dealing with major problems can be utilized temporarily. Some things you don't have to put off are dental x-rays, cleanings, and having cavities filled.

Two Pregnancy-Related Dental Issues to Watch Out For

Being pregnant can create body-wide changes in a mother's body, and the mouth area is no exception. While lots of myths about how pregnancy can affect a mom's dental health exist, there is no reason to believe that being pregnant will lead to a loss of teeth, discoloration, or damage to teeth. However, be sure to be on the watch for these two common issues:

Stomach Acid and Teeth

If you are prone to a lot of morning sickness, know that repeated vomiting may expose your teeth to acids that can cause changes in your enamel. Nausea and vomiting occur in about 70% of pregnant women and can happen any time of the day or night. Be sure to see your dentist at the start of your pregnancy and at least once during it so that your teeth can be monitored for cracks and cavities.

Hormones and Teeth

Hormones fill a necessary role in healthy pregnancies. Some hormones, however, can do harm if they rise at the wrong time. Progesterone, for instance, is a major pregnancy hormone and is responsible for triggering labor when the time is right. Unfortunately, gum diseases like periodontitis have been linked to a rise in progesterone levels. Your dentist can stop gum diseases before they progress to dangerous levels.

To find out more about pregnancy and dental issues, speak to your dentist.
